“Golden Baklava Film Academy 8th International Student Film Festival”, which will be held at Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep on 19-20-21 December 2023, is a young artistic and cultural event.
The Festival aims to support young producers on their path of film production, attract the attention of film lovers, make contributions to the expansion of the cinema industry, and ensure the recognition of cinema and producers on national and international platforms. In this direction, the festival rewards documentary and fiction short films made by university students, every year.
Golden Baklava Film Academy International Student Film Festival has obtained international recognition via the participation of student films from national and international cinema schools and it has established an environment suitable for the artistic reflections. Our most important goal is to make our festival known both in Gaziantep and our country, Türkiye, on international educational and artistic platforms.
As a consequence, the Festival and Film Academy creates an opportunity for young people, who are interested in cinema, for newcomers to filmmaking, or for those that have an urge to show themselves in the film industry. Moreover, it offers a chance to young filmmaker finalists to meet the jury members who are recognized as Türkiye’s leading directors, producers, and actors.